4 Years and Counting

Four years later life is very different
As I look back on the last four years of my writings I can see that I have a very different approach to life. I have a hard time noticing the tough times. I know that there have been some yet I just can’t really seem to remember them. I do know that when I find myself in the midst of a tough situation that I am able to get my “self” out of it and recognize what is really happening. Most of the time it is not about me anyway, or when it is I can somehow adjust to finding the truth in it and the actions that I need to take. Recognizing these things allows me to be productive and feel like I can do something about the situation or at least let it go and try to be supportive of the people involved. I am either growing or being of service, both of which are a tremendous gift if I choose to look at it that way.
By using the tools that have been shown to me by those that came before me I am able to feel like life is always good. I am now able to see the actions that need to be taken, if any, and not be afraid to execute them no matter how hard they might seem. I am not alone in feeling this way and if others can handle this, so can I. With some of the really rough things that life has presented to me in my sobriety, such as the death of a mentor and friend, to the hard discussions that come with relationships, bosses that have their own agendas (that don’t always agree with my ethics code), to cleaning up the wreckage of my past. Nothing is too much if I just try to understand the other person or do the actions that are necessary to clear things up.
I cannot begin to truly explain the depths of my gratitude for these opportunitiesĀ and the people that taught me how to recognize and enjoy them. Life has become a beautiful experience for me in the last four years and I would not trade anything from all of the years before that moment. I am completely at ease with myself inside and out. The feeling of wholeness is something I could have never imagined before.
I still feel like a baby in this new world sometimes, however I am not afraid and am looking forward to every new opportunity to experience and grow.