Corrections and Suggestions from Others

This morning I was thinking about why people correct and inform us that we are wrong or there is a better way to do something. I came to realize that the reason I do these things is generally to help. I also noticed that about half of the time it is not received in the way I meant it. I also notice that I too get a little angered when someone does this to me.
As I thought about this more I came to the conclusion that ALL people correct and suggest better ways of thinking and doing to try and feel good about themselves, whether it is to help or feel superior. I am wondering if their motivation really matters at all? If it makes them feel good shouldn’t I just listen and know that I am making them feel good about themselves? Why should I take it personal, after all it doesn’t seem to be about me at all.
The next time someone suggests a better way I think I will just listen and take away the important points and know that the rest doesn’t matter and that I don’t have to feel bad. My duty here is to help them feel better about themselves and that is good enough for me.