Still in Recovery

Still Doing This One Day at a Time

Dealing with Death

Posted by on Nov 18, 2016 in Recovery Stories, Working With Others

Dealing with Death

Being Present in Death When I was 21 my Great-Grandmother passed away. We all new it was coming. My mother and younger brother moved in with her to help her die in peace at home. They had a very long commute everyday to and from her house so moving in with her seemed like the best option. They were there with her almost round the clock to make sure that she was comfortable and was being taken...

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Connections of the Past

Posted by on Aug 24, 2016 in Just Saying

Connections of the Past

Sometimes I Stay Away out of Fear. I ran into an old friend today. I have nothing but fond memories with him. We watched our kids grow up and play soccer together for a few years. We shared road trips all over the state and some of the neighboring ones for games and tournaments. The time of my life that I was involved with this group of people was a time in my life when I was struggling pretty...

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The Pause

Posted by on Aug 1, 2016 in Get Answers, Just Saying

The Pause

Pause is something that comes between stimuli and response. In my past I used to react to things on an emotional and instinctual level.  After a while in my program and working my steps I have noticed that the pause turns my reaction into a response.  In my past a reaction usually seemed to make the situation worse.  In contrast, I find the response a more calculated and less hurtful way of...

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4 Years and Counting

Posted by on Jul 25, 2016 in Just Saying, Recovery Stories

4 Years and Counting

Four years later life is very different As I look back on the last four years of my writings I can see that I have a very different approach to life. I have a hard time noticing the tough times. I know that there have been some yet I just can’t really seem to remember them. I do know that when I find myself in the midst of a tough situation that I am able to get my “self” out...

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