Still in Recovery

Still Doing This One Day at a Time

Connections of the Past

Posted by on Aug 24, 2016 in Just Saying

Connections of the Past

Sometimes I Stay Away out of Fear. I ran into an old friend today. I have nothing but fond memories with him. We watched our kids grow up and play soccer together for a few years. We shared road trips all over the state and some of the neighboring ones for games and tournaments. The time of my life that I was involved with this group of people was a time in my life when I was struggling pretty...

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4 Years and Counting

Posted by on Jul 25, 2016 in Just Saying, Recovery Stories

4 Years and Counting

Four years later life is very different As I look back on the last four years of my writings I can see that I have a very different approach to life. I have a hard time noticing the tough times. I know that there have been some yet I just can’t really seem to remember them. I do know that when I find myself in the midst of a tough situation that I am able to get my “self” out...

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