Still in Recovery

Still Doing This One Day at a Time

Dealing with Death

Posted by on Nov 18, 2016 in Recovery Stories, Working With Others

Dealing with Death

Being Present in Death When I was 21 my Great-Grandmother passed away. We all new it was coming. My mother and younger brother moved in with her to help her die in peace at home. They had a very long commute everyday to and from her house so moving in with her seemed like the best option. They were there with her almost round the clock to make sure that she was comfortable and was being taken...

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Nice, but not what I wanted

Posted by on Jan 26, 2016 in Recovery Stories

Nice, but not what I wanted

Thinking about my life is a public place seems to quell some of the desire to pull my hair out because people will see. Strange how being in the vicinity of other people keeps my inner monologue inline somewhat. Probably not a bad place to go and think when I feel like I’m going out of my mind.

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