Taking My Ball and Going Home

Recently I experienced a moment of selfishness that created an emotion that sparked me to do something I am not particularly proud of.
What I did hurt no one but me and that is unacceptable. Amends must be made, yet I am not really sure how to do them. This action also creates an opportunity to teach and be the example that I think I am.
What happened was that I walked away from something that brings me some of the best moments of my life. I felt like I was being pushed aside and dismissed by others because I could not quite perform at the level they could. Instead of me remembering that the moment was about them, I took it personally and left in a moment of selfishness. You could say that it was a “If I can’t play, I’m taking my ball and going home” situation. How childish was that?
The teaching moment will come when I am able to sit down with the other participants and apologize for my actions, knowing that what I did took away from their moment. It is not going to be easy, but my pride must take a back seat and I must let humility be my teacher.